5 Web Design Trends to Check Out For in 2019
In this era of digitalization, the website is considered an essential part of the business. It will not be wrong to say that the fate of any business is primarily in the hands of a website because it significantly influences the audience.
Owing to the reason that business organizations always want to leave a positive impression over their target audience, therefore, corporate websites should be equipped with the latest web technology and trends!
Top 5 Website Design Trends 2019
The bright and clean designs, consistency of color schemes and user-friendly things are the debate of the past. Now, people are more interested in knowing what’s next?
Keeping the recent practices in mind, let’s take a glance at trending elements of website design coming to take over the year – 2019!
While many people are not aware of this website trend altogether but experts consider it a great move!
The slogan “think out of the box” is the central idea behind using visual elements randomly within the design of web pages.
For instance, you might see a few blocks of the content placed here and there in a careless manner on the landing page of the website.
But, this is not an accidental experiment. In fact, the website is designed in a manner to look casual and informal. This is all about non-standard web designing.
Why! Don’t you feel that it make the visitors more active and attentive? No doubt, it is going to be a smart trick to improve user engagement.
Grid-less Layouts
The grid-based website designs have always been greeted as the divine tradition since very long, but web design trends are rapidly changing now!
Nonetheless, a standard system of webpage grid is usually comprised of tables to perform designing activities within the rows and columns. However, when the grid is removed, professionals are left with a blank sheet as the canvas for creating things more interesting than ever!
The clean and fat designs have given rise to grid-less web pages in order to incorporate innovation to the next levels of uniqueness. It has facilitated the website designers more to exhibit their freedom of creativity.
Luckily, a few smart web designing companies in Delhi have already started connecting the jigsaw puzzles of modern layout settings while leaving the traditional model of grid-based designs.
Customized Illustrations
Illustrations are the pieces of information used to make the web pages versatile. In fact, information is presented in a friendly and playful manner to add value and fun to the web pages.
Many big brands are already reaping the benefits of personality tailored illustrations on their corporate websites to give their visitors an artistic experience. Further, it significantly helps them to set a clear brand tone for competitive markets.
No doubt, this website trend is a perfect combination for the marketing strategy of the business organizations. It is aligned with the psychology of business people and a right-brained style for the web designers!
Don’t miss it out if you are thinking to upgrade your website design to meet modern trends of 2019..!
Cinemagraphs Instead of Gif Animations
Moving imaging are incredible tools for warming up the interest of the users. You have experienced many images which regardless of the purpose and scope attracted your attention while surfing over the internet. Memes and gif captions are extremely popular in recent years.
Nevertheless, the use of gifs and other animated images are going to rock in the next year. But Cinemagraphs are expected to take over the stage altogether.
Many people are not aware of this addition into the family of photographs and images. It is perhaps the reason that Cinemagraphs are usually confused with the gif animations. However, there are a few tangible differences between both types of effects.
Cinemagraphs are actually static images, yes static but have only one element with dynamic properties. Surely, you have seen such photos somewhere. For instance, a typical coffee table with a chair is arranged somewhere, and through the window, a car is moving.
There can be plenty of examples given. Hopefully, you have understood what is going to be changed in the coming years. Last but not least, don’t forget to consider 3D images as Facebook already have entered into the game!
Interactive Backgrounds
The canvas of the websites is getting bigger with every passing moment. The bigger sliders, extensive page backgrounds and landing images are the norms of the day.
The purpose is perhaps to convert every pixel into information bite. However, the exciting thing is that interactivity of web page backgrounds is expected to grow further to the next level of usability savvy.
So, the use of video is coming up to stay here!
Interestingly, it is going to help the business people more in showcasing and inspiring their target audience. The key is that no one can ignore a moving thing whether it’s an animated content or brand promotion video.
There is no denying the fact that dynamic elements are going to help the web designers amazingly to create seamless backgrounds for websites.
But, don’t forget to pick a relevant video to incorporate your business goals innovatively.
The Prominence of Artificial Intelligence (Bonus Trend)
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has seen a more significant surge in recent past years. It is owing to the urge for offering smart solutions against emerging intricacies. Almost every industry welcomed the arrival of AI as an added value package.
It has significantly molded web design trends towards the inculcation of a little smartness to web pages. The results, you can see in the form of active chatbots.
Not only this, you can not only chat through the bots, but they can fly over the website to direct you to the right content, you might search for.
So, what to expect from the AI with respect to the designing of websites in the coming year 2019? It is likely that people would be able to interact with web pages even without having to lift a finger.
However, the professionals who are familiar with the miracles of AI are expecting a bit more in this dominion!
Takes Away
Have you read and understood the latest website trends comprehensively? Having a strong feeling that your corporate website doesn’t comply with modern techniques and users’ needs?
Don’t forget to contact web design professionals to prioritize asymmetrical landing pages with immersive backgrounds and more!